
In love, you will be at your best, go all out, express your feelings and spend time with your partner. Get involved with people you love and share happiness with your loved ones and friends. Don't let despair dampen your spirits and enthusiasm at work. Things may be a little slow at work but do not forget your hard work will eventually pay off. Do not worry about what people think of you; you will likely perform better if you work in a team and collaborate with others. Be open to suggestions from others. Do not make any investment or lend money to someone.



They could be a sudden positive turn of events in your love life. Be wary of unnecessary fights or arguments, and relationships. Keep communication clear and use your intellect to win over difficult situations. Be patient and loving to your partner. The cards foresee professional growth; you can expect a promotion or a bonus. You will be successful in a project or a business venture, and you will win applause for the same. You will have an important career decision to be taken this week. You will have some good news on the investment or the money front. Be ready to be rewarded for your past efforts.


Take time out to rest, relax and rejuvenate this week. If you focus on short-term desires, shift your focus to long-term goals. You need to look beyond earthly pleasures and the material world to bring happiness and contentment to life. At work, focus on the good and what is positive in your work rather than concentrating on the negatives. You may feel that you have lost, but the cards foresee hope, and a new opportunity is knocking at your door. You need to open your eyes and embrace new opportunities.


The routine might be monotonous and relationships demanding. Expect additional workload and responsibilities to be handed over to you at the workplace. Professional commitments may not let you give much time on the love front. You will be filled with courage, willpower and determination. You will achieve your goals and get recognition for your efforts this week. You will embark on a new professional journey or start a new project or venture. Stay focused and determined to reach your destination and achieve your goal.


Be patient and persistent in love. It's time to take a break and recharge your batteries. Keep your personal and work lives separate. Be diplomatic in case there are any disagreements with someone close to you. Ensure that you do not act hastily in matters of love. You will be successful in professional undertakings, projects and ventures. You will have the edge over your co-workers and colleagues. Investment in real estate may bring good results.


The cards foretell the beginning of a new romantic relationship. Marriage or engagement is also likely for some of you. It is a good time for a family get-together or to celebrate a special occasion. Work concentrate on your task and avoid unnecessary debates and quarrels with anyone. Be mature and balanced while handling any difficult situation at work. Stay calm and keep your eyes on long-term goals.


Your personal life will be filled with love, affection, mutual respect and fulfilment. You may travel for business or leisure. It will bring you success, recognition, and happiness. You are all set to herald a new phase in your life; welcome it with open arms. This week brings opportunities to be explored and achievements for you. You will be able to complete your pending tasks efficiently.


This week brings much-deserved happiness, love and a sense of harmony. Your partner and children will be a reason to bring happiness and joy to your life. Singles will meet someone full of passion and enthusiasm. Don't be too bossy or assertive; it may create friction with your colleagues. Be polite and flexible to get things done. Try to stay calm in case of disagreements. Don't try to control people or situations. 


Any problems in your relationship will vanish, and harmony will prevail. You'll feel blissful and enjoy your partner's company, knowing that you are loved unconditionally. It is a great time to express how you feel about each other. At work, keep your cards close to your chest, do not disclose your plans. Exercise caution while making any decision related to your profession. Be careful with your money and finances. Find the answers to your problems on your own rather than relying on others too much. There could be some delays in plans.


All will be going well in your relationship, and you will be happy with your choices. You and your partner may travel together. It is probable that singles will meet someone. Try to stay focused on your goals; even if it seems difficult at the moment, do not let things get out of control. It could be a tough week in terms of finances and work scenarios. There could be some tension and pressure at the workplace.


Your responsibilities at home may increase your stress level. Take a break and find some time to relax or plan something exciting with friends or partners. You are likely to excel and prosper in your work and business. You will receive good news relating to money, property or finances. Hard work is expected to see you get rewarded and recognised at the workplace. Some of you are likely to get a promotion or increment in your job.


You will be spending a good time with your loved ones and understanding their emotional needs. Couples can look forward to some romantic and passionate time with each other. Things are likely to improve on the work front. Someone influential or in a position of power will help you advance in your career. Your superiors will be happy with your effort, and you will win compliments for your excellent work. A promotion or a bonus is in store for some of you. 

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)