US President Donald Trump raised another storm on Friday when he posted a photoshopped image of himself and former US president Barack Obama on the microblogging site Twitter. 


Trump shared the image with no caption but it is suspected that he is referring to an earlier accusation that Obama used to spy on him. 

In the edited image, we see Donald Trump standing at the Trump Tower and an image of Barack Obama standing right outside the building window with binoculars in his hand looking inside. 

This claim has not been officially proven, in fact, the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had disproved these allegations nearly a month ago.

Meanwhile, as the hearing in Trump's impeachment trial case continues, Democrats are presenting arguments that Trump should be convicted of two articles of impeachment passed by the House last month - abuse of power and obstruction of Congress - for pressuring Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden last year, and impeding the inquiry into the matter, reported Reuters.

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The case focuses on efforts by Trump and his aides to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate Biden, a leading 2020 Democratic presidential contender, and Biden`s son on unsubstantiated corruption charges as well as a discredited theory that Ukraine, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 presidential election. Nearly $400 million in U.S. military aid to Ukraine was frozen during that period.