Kerala DHSE Plus Two Class 12th Result 2023: Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) Kerala released the results of Class 12 final examination today, May 25. Candidates can check the Kerala DHSE plus two results on the official websites - and Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) Kerala. The DHSE Kerala 12th result 2023 has been declared for approximately 4 lakh students at 3 pm through a press conference.

Kerala Plus Two Results 2023: Here is how to check your class 12th result 


Once declared, students can check their Kerala Class 12th result 2023 following the steps given below

Step 1: Visit the official website at

Step 2: On the homepage look for the result link

Step 3: Enter your login details like name, enrollment number and other requested details.

Step 4: Your result will be displayed on the screen

Step 5: Keep the hard copy of the same for future reference

Kerala DHSE 12th Result 2023: Grading System

The DHSE Kerala 12th result will be based on a nine-point grading system, ranging from A+ to E. Candidates scoring grade D or below will have to appear for the SAY (Save A Year) or improvement exam.