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Do you know why coconuts are offered to deities in temples?

You will be amazed to learn the beautiful reason and symbolism behind offering coconuts to deities.

Do you know why coconuts are offered to deities in temples? Pic courtesy: Thinkstock image for representation purpose only.

Mumbai:  A coconut is an indispensible puja ingredient. People seek blessings of the deity by offering coconut in temples and even during a Puja at home. This is not just because it’s a Shri Phala (meaning easily and abundantly available throughout the year) but has a profound meaning too.

You will be amazed to learn the beautiful reason and symbolism behind offering coconuts to deities.

Reason why coconuts are offered to the deity

A coconut is the purest form of offering because the consumable portions of the fruit remain untouched by humans until they are offered to the deity. Once broken, the sweet water and the white pulp become the offerings. Hence coconuts are considered pure.

Symbolism behind the breaking of coconuts in temple

The coconut shell represents ego while the water and the white pulp symbolise sweetness and softness respectively. By breaking the coconut, we break our ego, which is very stubborn. Once we get rid of our ego, we emerge as refined human beings with a sweet and a soft heart.

Only by getting rid of the ego, we reach close to God or the Supreme Truth.

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