Mumbai, June 27: A new research compound from Dr Reddy’s Laboratories is expected to enter human trials by the second quarter of 2004. The compound has shown potential in the treatment of atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque builds up in the inner lining of the arteries, thus greatly reducing blood flow to vital organs such as the heart, the company’s chairman, Dr Anji Reddy, said on Thursday. The compound is the result of research undertaken by Dr Reddy’s Atlanta-based laboratory, Reddy US Therapeutics. Speaking at an analysts’ meet held in the city on Thursday, Dr Anji Reddy, said that proof of concept had been obtained in animals, and the next step would be to test the drug in humans. “If the results demonstrated in animals can be reproduced in humans, it could well be the magic bullet for heart disease,” Dr Reddy said. The trials would take place in the US which is the largest pharmaceutical market in the world.

The US lab also has a compound to prevent restenosis (the reclogging of arteries after surgery) that is also making progress. He also said Dr Reddy’s research foundation (DRF) had submitted a back-up of its experimental diabetes compound DRF 4158 to Novartis for further development.
Novartis returned 4158 to Dr Reddy’s some months ago after having licensed it. The new back-up is similar to 4158 but has an improved safety profile, Dr Reddy said. Novartis will take about two-three months to get back to DRF about whether it would want to proceed with human trials of the compound. Bureau Report