Washington, Oct 01: A company that was created to help clients take advantage of business opportunities in Iraq is made up of businessmen associated with President George W. Bush, his family and his administration. The connections drew criticism today from democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, who called for an independent oversight board to ensure that Iraq reconstruction money is doled out fairly.
New bridge strategies, on its web site, says it will "seek to expedite the creation of free and fair markets and new economic growth in Iraq, consistent with the policies of the Bush administration."
The firm is headed by Joe Allbaugh, Bush's campaign manager in 2000 and director of the federal emergency management agency until March. Other directors include Edward Rogers Jr., vice chairman, and Lanny Griffith. Both were assistants to the first President George Bush and now are closely linked to the White House.
"This is an administration of the insiders, by the insiders and for the insiders. This is just further evidence of it," Edwards, a senator from North Carolina, said. "Vice President (Dick) Cheney's Halliburton has more than dollars 2 billion in Iraq reconstruction contracts and we now find out that Bush's campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh, who just left government, has set up a business to procure business contracts on Iraq." Bureau Report