Los Angeles: Jennifer Aniston's husband Justin Theroux says he feels more "comfortable" now that he can call the actress his wife.


"It feels very touching. I can't remember the first time I said those words but it feels fantastic. It's a comfortable term. I was getting tired of saying fiancée. That sounds adorable for about six months and then you go, 'Okay, we got to make some time for this'," Theroux told news.com.au.

The couple wed in front of 75 friends on August 5. Theroux says the day couldn't have gone better.

He said of the nuptials: "It went perfectly, very smoothly. The best part of the wedding is, of course, being able to stand across from someone and say those words. That meant a lot. And to have many of your friends there in support of that, there is something very beautiful about that ritual."

And although they've been dating since 2012, the handsome actor feels more "settled" now that they're hitched.

Asked if getting married has made him feel any different, he said: "You know, I feel like I've earned it in a way. I appreciate it and I look forward to being good to her. It's hard to explain but it's a nice feeling, a settled feeling. It just feels really good."