Kathmandu, Dec 02: Britain today expressed concern over the present political crisis and Maoist insurgency in Nepal. British government's special envoy to Nepal Sir Jeffery James, who met Nepali Congress president and former prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala today said he was concerned about the present political situation in the kingdom, Nepali Congress sources said.
Sir James met Koirala at his residence at Maharajgunj in Kathmandu this morning and during the hour-long parley discussed issues related with present political situation in Nepal and the on-going Maoist insurgency, said personal secretary of Koirala.
The Maoist problem and the issue relating to Nepal's parliamentary democracy were also figured during the talks, he said.
James, who arrived here on Sunday on a week long visit also paid a courtesy call to Nepalese Finance Minister Prakash Chandra Lohani yesterday at Singhdurbar secretariat.
Matters relating to bilateral issues and the Maoist problem were figured during his meeting with Lohani, who was also looking after the portfolios of the Prime Minister, who was on a ten day visit to SAARC countries.
The British special envoy will also meet general secretary of Nepal Communist Party - UML Madhav Kumar Nepal, president of Rastriya Prajatantra Party Pashupati Shumsher Rana and other high level officials during his stay in Kathmandu.
Bureau Report