Colombo, Aug 12: Norwegian special envoy Eric Solhiem, who arrived In Sri Lanka today, met with Indian High Commissioner Nirupam Sen and discussed efforts to restart peace talks between government and the Tamil Tiger rebels. The envoy, who reached here to help revive the faltered peace process and woo the tigers back to the negotiation table, had a 90-minute meeting with Sen to brief about the efforts to restart peace process, diplomatic sources said.

Solheim, who helped the government and the rebels to reach a ceasefire agreement in February 2002, will meet with government officials, rebel leaders, European truce monitors and Colombo-based diplomats, sources said.

The envoy was due to travel to the rebel-held Wanni tomorrow for talks with the LTTE leaders, they said. Diplomatic sources said Solheim's latest visit here had been arranged before the Scandinavian-led Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission complained to the Norwegian government that the Tigers were defying them.

The LTTE's refusal to dismantle a newly established camp in the north-eastern district of Trincomalee has seriously undermined the authority of the monitors who say it is also a threat to the entire peace process.

Amid diplomatic activity here, the LTTE is expected to prepare for a meeting of their constitutional and legal experts in France in on August 20, sources said. The Tigers pulled out of peace talks on April 21 after accusing the government of failing to deliver on promises made at six rounds of talks since September last year.

Bureau Report