Srinagar, Aug 27: Urging for a final and consensual decision on contentious issues between the Centre and states, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee today called for implementation of an action plan for good governance to unleash the potential of private enterprise and to encourage the constructive participation of the institutions of civil society. Inaugurating the eighth inter-state council meeting, being held for the first time outside Delhi, he said, "On account of the reform programmes of the Central and state governments, the role of the government has been changing from that of a controller and executor of socio-economic activities to that of a facilitator, motivator and guide."
"Our main emphasis is to unleash the potential of private enterprise and to encourage the constructive participation of the institutions of civil society," he told the gathering that comprised a dozen chief ministers, state ministers and Union ministers.
Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani, Defence Minister George Fernandes, Law Minister Arun Jaitley and Labour Minister Saheb Singh Varma are also attending the meeting.
The two-day meeting will discuss administrative relations between the state and the Centre, emergency provisions like deployment of Union's armed forces and imposition of President's rule in the states and issues of good governance and those relating to contract labour and appointment. The Prime Minister listed the essential elements of good governance as a comprehensive legal framework defined and enforced by an impartial and competent judicial system.
Along with this, there should be in place an accountable, open and transparent executive decision-making process, coupled with a capable, efficient and people-friendly bureaucracy and last but not the least strong civil society participation.
He said one of the shortcomings in the government system was that the evaluation of policies and programmes was often expenditure-based.
"This must change. All of us now realise that the people are demanding a higher level of performance from the governments they elect. Therefore, I would like the inter-state council secretariat to focus on monitoring the implementation of the action plan on good governance both in quantitative and qualitative aspects," he said. Vajpayee said that on the basis of consensus in the previous meetings, instructions have been issued to Union ministers and departments requesting them to consult the state governments, except in emergency cases, on any legislation on matters in the concurrent list of Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
It also provides that machinery of the inter-state council secretariat should be used for effective consultations with the states.
Urging the Union ministers and the states to ensure adherence to these instructions, he said the National Commission to review the working of the Constitution had also expressed serious concern about lack of Centre-state consultations in area of legislation under the concurrent list in spite of the existence of the inter-state council.
Emphasising the need for consensus and finality on the Sarkaria Commission recommendations on various issues, Vajpayee said the dynamics of social, economic and political forces in India has changed significantly since the commission submitted its report.
"Centre-state relations have improved and a sense of partnership has emerged. The end of one-party rule at the Centre has inaugurated a new process of harmonisation of regional aspirations within an overarching national outlook. This has also helped political parties to somewhat alter their traditional positions on various issues," he observed.
The Prime Minister said the Centre and the states were united in the belief that there was need to continuously strengthen the consensus and cooperation between states and the Centre to realise the "dream of strong, prosperous, progressive and self-confident India". Bureau Report