Kathmandu, Feb 06: Nepal has become a full member of the BIMST-EC (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka Economic Co-operation) from this year.

''Associated with BIMST-EC as an observer since 1998, Nepal will be participating at the forthcoming meetings as a full member, following the decision of BIMST-EC members to welcome Nepal as a member from this year,'' Nepalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement here.
Ambassador at Large Dr Bhekh Bahadur Thapa is leading the Nepalese delegation to the BIMST-EC ministerial meeting to be held on February 07 and 08, at Phuket, Thailand.
The foreign ministers meeting of the BIMST-EC will be held on February 08 and will be preceded by a meeting at the level of trade and economic ministers of the member countries.
The framework agreement on the BIMST-EC free trade area is scheduled to be signed at the meeting, according to the foreign ministry.
Foreign Secretary Madhu Raman Acharya is leading the Nepalese delegation to the BIMST-EC senior officials meeting being held in phuket.
Established in 1997, the current areas of co-operation in BIMST-EC are technology, trade and investment, transport and communication, energy, tourism and fisheries.
Bureau Report