New Delhi, Nov 12: Ever wondered what people do to get that dazzling smile..the smile that wuld light up the room and make heads turn? Good news, you dont't have to ask Madhuri Dixit the secret. Here are a few tips to make your teeth look white and sparkling for that million-dollar-smile. 1. When drinking beverages like coffee, cola, tea and red wine, use a straw to prevent them from leaving a stain.
Concentrate on foods that act like detergents and whiten teeth naturally. These are generally foods that require a lot of chewing like apples, celery and carrots. Other foods can act like a barrier on teeth by creating a film. Broccoli, lettuce and spinach are foods that prevent stains from recurring. Take a couple of strawberries and mash them in a dish or bowl. Then, taking your finger, spread the pulp all over your teeth. Leave it on a minute or two, and then brush it off thoroughly.
Use whitening strips. They are similar to the peroxide gel that dentists use during their bleaching procedures. They promise to whiten teeth in two weeks, and the results last up to six months.
Make your teeth look whiter by using a bright shade of lipstick. The color contrast will make your teeth look like you’ve had whitening treatment. Bureau Report