New York, Sept 13: America Online Chief Executive Jon Miller on Thursday thinned out top management ranks to take direct control of key units, in his first big move since being named head of the troubled Internet giant. Miller, who was hired last month, will now directly oversee the flagship AOL brand, interactive marketing, and high-speed services. He also promoted the current chief financial officer, started a search for a replacement and eliminated the roles of president and chief operating officer.

America Online, the Internet arm of AOL Time Warner Inc., also dismantled its business affairs unit, whose advertising deals are now at the center of federal probes because of questions about its accounting practices.

"We have simplified the structure, reduced the layers and brought more clarity," Miller said in an interview.
America Online would renew efforts to strengthen its core business, develop its high-speed services, and make its international operations profitable, Miller said. The moves also include the creation of new content to improve the AOL service, such as video and music clips. Bureau Report