New Delhi, June 16: Assailing Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's statement on Kargil, Congress today asked the Centre not to lower guard while initiating the peace talks with that country. "In a recent television interview, Gen Musharraf has commented that Kargil was not a mistake and it may be repeated... He should know that even hundred Kargils will not deter India to protect its territorial integrity", party spokesman S Jaipal Reddy told reporters.
Stating that these remarks of President Musharraf showed that, like French Bourbons, he neither learns nor forget. "He did not learn any lesson either from December 13 attack on parliament or October one attack on Kashmir assembly".
He said the Government of India should not lower its guard while initiating the process of talks "which are at the stage of only talks for talks".
Reddy said Congress has always favoured a dialogue with Pakistan at various levels with long preparations but was against rushing to summit level or foreign ministers' level talks without "adequate" preparations.
"What had happened at Agra summit between Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Musharraf should not be repeated", he said.

Bureau Report