Ahmedabad, Nov 25: The cancelled Common Admission Test (CAT) for the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management (IIMS) will be held in February next. The exact date will be decided tomorrow after consultation with the directors of the six IIMS, Dr Bakul Dholakia, director of the Ahmedabad IIM said after a meeting of the CAT group comprising chairmen of admission committees of the six IIMS.
The group comprises Prof Vijay Srichand (IIM-Ahmedabad), Prof Sukhdevan (IIM-lucknow), Prof Dinesh Kumar (IIM-Kolkata), Prof Ishwar Murthy (IIM-Banglore), Prof Pranav Pani (IIM-Indore) and one from IIM-Kozhikode, Dr Dholakia said.
He, however, refused to divulge the details of the meeting.
The exam was cancelled on Sunday after the CBI exposed a leak of the cat question paper in various cities and arrested six persons, including the alleged kingpin Dr Ranjit Kumar in this connection.

Bureau Report