New Delhi, May 09: An alleged BJP supporter was arrested for distributing Sarees in Sadar area here today. Congress leader Jagdish Tytler, against whom BJP leader Vijay Goyal is pitted from Sadar constituency, has lodged a complaint with police that the person was a BJP supporter. He complained that the person was bribing the voters a day before polls. The Congress activists caught the man allegedly distributing Sarees in the Sadar area. On the contrary, BJP candidate Vijay Goel rubbishing the allegation said Tytler is desperate, the reason he is making such wild allegations. When asked that a few BJP supporters have been caught and are at the police station, he said the story was just opposite. “When I along with my supporters was passing through Sadar Area a few Congress supporters were distributing Sarees, and when we saw them they pelted stones at us. This can be asked from security personnel attached with me.” Meanwhile, the police have said that they have started investigation into the issue to unravel the facts. Bureau Report