Tehran, June 19: Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has charged the Bush administration with erecting a "wall of distrust" between Tehran and Washington. "During the presidency of (Bill) Clinton in America, grounds were prepared to break the wall of distrust between the two nations. However, the present American leadership has not only destroyed these grounds but also created another wall of distrust." He told a delegation of Abrahamic leaders of US universities yesterday.

President George W Bush had, while accusing Iran of being in possession of weapons of mass destruction, clubbed the Islamic republic with North Korea and Iraq, saying the three countries together formed an "axis of evil".

Earlier, Washington had severed ties with Tehran after Iranian students took over the US embassy, describing it as a "den of spies", during the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Khatami, who has been critical of US invasion of independent countries, including Iran, also lashed out at "those backward people who describe their terrorist actions as sacred as well as those who espouse violence under the pretext of fighting terrorism and regard this (fight) as sacred".

Bureau Report