Hyderabad, Feb 17: In a novel protest, the opposition Congress members organised a 'photo exhibition' at the main entrance of Andhra Pradesh Assembly, on the opening day of its budget session, to highlight severe drought situation and water crisis in the state.
Minutes before the commencement of the six-week long session, the members gathered at the entrance, meant for legislators, and raised slogans against the TDP government for its failure to tackle drought and water crisis. Newspaper clippings and photographs showing dried up reservoirs, serpentine queues of people waiting for their turn to fetch water and damaged crops were put up at the make-shift exhibition.

Waving placards demanding water for the 'parched throats, the opposition members staged a brief demonstration carrying empty plastic pots, signifying water scarcity. Later, they tried to disrupt the customary address by Governor Surjit Singh Barnala, his first after taking charge of the gubernatorial post.

As soon as Barnala started his speech, Congress members stood up in protest and shouted 'we want water' while some were seen waving placards.

Throughout the 40-minute address, the opposition members were on their feet, repeatedly raising slogans denouncing the claims of TDP government on drought relief measures. Interestingly, a major chunk of governor's address also focussed on drought conditions and government's initiatives in agriculture and rural development sectors.
Bureau Report