Jerusalem, June 30: US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice has proposed a one-billion-dollar aid package for Palestinians, the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot reported today. Rice, on a brief weekend visit to region, said Washington was ready to deliver "nearly one billion dollars" to ease conditions in the Palestinian territories, economically devastated after nearly three years of low-level war with Israel, Yediot reported.
Rice unveiled her proposal during a meeting yesterday with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's chief of staff Dov Weisglass and Palestinian finance minister, Salam Fayad, who has been widely credited with cleaning up the shady business dealings of the Palestinian Authority, Yediot said.
Washington wants to create a network of hospitals and social institutions to build support for Palestinian premier Mahmud Abbas and erode the popularity of Islamic hardliners Hamas, which has won adherents through its effective charity network in the Gaza Strip. Bureau Report