Washington, Nov 15: The suicide blast that killed 17 and wounded 100 in a housing compound for foreigners outside Riyadh this month was the work of an al-Qaeda cell of 12 to 18 individuals, a Saudi diplomat said here. The Saudi Interior Ministry had already blamed al-Qaeda for the November 09 bombing, but Adel al-Jubeir, diplomatic aide to Saudi Prince Abdullah, was more specific.
The attack was "perpetrated by an al-Qaeda cell" of "between 12 and 18 individuals," he told reporters yesterday.
"There are still a number of similar al-Qaeda cells in the kingdom, but we are fighting them, we are trying to find them before they strike, we are rooting this evil out of our society," he said. "They will not succeed in destroying the Saudi state
Al-Jubeir said several al-Qaeda cells had been dismantled since the attack, some 600 persons have been arrested, thousands more interrogated, and a "huge amount of explosives" and "large quantities of arms" had been uncovered in the kingdom.
"We are waging a total war against al-Qaeda and we will win," he said of the network headed by Osama bin-Laden, held responsible for the Septemebr 11 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Bureau Report