New Delhi: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has a series of classic hits to his credit. He is a renowned actor and has delivered some of his best performances with maverick filmmaker Yash Chopra. The thespian recently took to micro-blogging site Twitter and posted some pictures from the Yash Chopra memorial award ceremony.


Bachchan senior posted a series of pictures: “Honoured humbled and grateful for the Yash Chopra Memorial Award tonight ... such a nostalgic moment and so much grace accorded !”

“The Award .. by the Governor of Maharashtra ! and many government Ministers and dignitaries ..”

“The award Yash Chopra Memorial 2014 .. such a humbling moment ... each paying accolades ... so embarrassing to sit there and watch”

Big B has had a long and successful association with late filmmaker Yash Chopra.