New Delhi, Aug 14: The Delhi High Court has issued directions for early disposal of a petition filed by 38 shopkeepers challenging their eviction from the Meena Bazar inside the historic Red Fort. A division bench of Chief Justice B C Patel and Justice B D Ahmed directed the single judge bench, which had earlier stayed the operation of the eviction order against the shopkeepers, to expedite the matter and asked lawyers not to seek adjournments on August 28, when it comes up for hearing.
The bench, however, refused to transfer the case to the PIL bench, saying it has already been heard at length by the single judge bench.

Centre's counsel Sanjay Jain told the court that but for these proceedings, Red Fort would have been cleared of illegal occupants by August 15.

Sanjay Hazarika, appearing for the army informed the court that army has also agreed to vacate the historic monument in a phased manner and the process would be completed by the end of the year.

The 38 shopkeepers have approached the court following dismissal of their appeal by an Additional District Judge against the estate officer's order on MCD's plea.

By a notification on July 31 last, the area in question was declared a protected monument under Section 4 of the Ancient Monuments Act, 1956.

Acting on the notification, the archaeological survey of India had issued notices to the petitioners on December 10 last. However, no further action was taken by the ASI.
Bureau Report