Moscow, Apr 13: Eight Russians working on the construction site of a thermal power station in Iraq have been kidnapped in Baghdad, Interfax news agency reported today. Russian foreign ministry here has confirmed the report of abduction of eight Russian nationals employed by 'Interenergoservis' Company, who were working at the construction of Nassiriyah Thermal Power Plant since August last year.
The report, citing ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko, came hours after the Arab television channel al-Jazeera reported that 11 Russians had been seized last night during a clash in Baghdad.
"I confirm the fact of the abduction in Baghdad of eight of employees of the Interenergoservis Company," Yakovenko was quoted as saying.
"The Russian embassy in Baghdad is actively taking all necessary measures to bring about... The release of the hostages," he said. There are about 200 Russian specialists currently working at various energy installations in Iraq.
The Russians, who were in Baghdad to repair power stations, were seized as they relaxed in the courtyard of their house in the Iraqi capital.
The agency said the eight were taken from their home by a group of armed, masked men. There are reports that two Iraqi guards may have been killed during the incident.
Their abduction follows the release of seven Chinese men kidnapped on Sunday near the city of Fallujah.
Yakovenko said in his statement that no one had claimed responsibility for last night's kidnapping of the eight Russian workers, adding unidentified gunmen initially abducted nine company workers but released one of them quickly afterwards.
He also urged the abductors to release the workers, adding the power plant they were rebuilding was "vital for hundreds of thousands Iraqis."
He maintained that the US-led coalition was responsible for security in Iraq.
"Abductions of foreign citizens in Iraq have resulted from a sharp escalation of tension in the country, for the security of which the coalition authorities are now responsible," he said.
"Moscow is convinced that it's necessary to end the fighting as quickly as possible, stabilise the situation and start a process of settlement involving all Iraqi political forces that would lead to real restoration of Iraq's sovereignty," he added. Through its embassy in Baghdad, Russia is actively working to seek the release of its kidnapped nationals, an unnamed Russian foreign ministry source was quoted as saying by Interfax.
"In our arsenal we have methods, which could help us seeking the release of our compatriots," he said.
According to state-run Mayak radio, the Russian foreign ministry has advised its nationals not to visit Iraq and arrangements are being made for emergency evacuation of about 500 Russian employees of two companies 'Interenergoservice' and "Technoprom'' currently working in Iraq.
Bureau Report