Bhubaneswar, May 28: The Orissa government today effected a massive reshuffle in the bureaucracy involving 22 senior IAS officers including six secretaries of different departments. An official notification issued here said that S C Hota, agricultural production commissioner, will hold additional charge of chairman, Orissa Mining Corporation (OMC). U S Bhatia, who was chairman, OMC and principal resident commissioner at New Delhi, was transferred as principal secretary in the industries department. Dhirendranath Padhi, principal secretary in the energy department and R N Bohidar, principal secretary in the steel and mines department would swap positions between them while S C Pani, on return from leave, would be the principal resident commissioner at New Delhi. S P Nanda, principal secretary in the industries department has been transferred to the rural development department where G C Pati was the commissioner-cum-secretary. Pati had been posted as chairman-cum-managing director of the Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd (IDCOL) in place of Hrushikesh Panda. Panda, who was in the centre of a huge controversy about two months ago when the government placed him under suspension following a directive from the Speaker of the Orissa assembly, has been posted as managing director of Omfed and as state's dairy development commissioner. Bureau Report