New Delhi, July 25: The day Finance Minister Jaswant Singh took charge at North Block almost a year ago, he had said that addressing the infirmities in the regulatory system topped his priority list. In tune with his wish list, the government now is in the process of firming up a national approach towards regulation which will be taken up for approval at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Reforms (CCER). A new approach is in order, given the growing number of regulators in India, the varying statutes of these regulators, both at the Central and state level, and their approaches to regulation of various sectors, according to senior government officials. A case in point being prescribing quality standards and enforcing of these standards by regulators in the field of telecom and power.
The government reckons that the consistency shown by regulators is poor and in many cases, where the regulators have to fix tariffs, the norms are undefined. These infirmities have to be corrected and regulations streamlined at the Centre, state and local levels for accelerating investment, the government reckons. A case has also been made out for imparting greater thought and policy initiatives in integrating a global perspective into the plans of regulators also.
Another area where the government is looking at ensuring changes is in the fundamental approach to regulation. Some of those manning the regulatory agencies tend to treat them as courts of law, given their legal background.
This may also be addressed along with the issue of staffing regulatory agencies. For now, regulators are mostly retired bureaucrats. The issue of financial independence of regulators will also form part of this national approach.
Bureau Report