New Delhi, July 03: Acting on the recommendation of prominent spinners of yesteryears, the cricket board today announced a ban on one-day matches for junior teams upto the under-17 age group. Board president Jagmohan Dalmiya told reporters here that BCCI's working committee, on the second and final day of its meeting here, had accepted all the three recommendations of the spinners' panel with a view to promote spin bowling in the country.
"We have decided to accept all three recommendations. As such, we have decided that there would be no one-day cricket for teams upto under-17 level," Dalmiya said.
The other two recommendations pertain to conducting regular workshops for spinners at the zonal level and inviting former spin greats to come and train the youngsters.
In a bid to revive India's past glory in the spin department, BCCI had invited a number of former spinners at a conclave in Kolkata last month to suggest ways to produce more quality spinners in the country.
The spinners were unanimous in their view that the overwhelming number of one-day matches was responsible for the decline in spin bowling.
Dalmiya, however, clarified that India would participate in the Asia Cup under-17 tournament, a one-day event, this year.
"We are to host that tournament and as such we cannot go back on our commitment. But after the tournament we intend to approach the Asian Cricket Council to request that henceforth Asia Cup be made a two-day event," Dalmiya said. Bureau Report