Beijing, Apr 27: Though two confirmed SARS patients are recovering in China, authorities are on "high alert" and quarantined more than 600 people in Beijing and Anhui province.
During the last 24 hours China did not report any new SARS infection, the health ministry said, adding that the two confirmed patients - one each in Beijing and east china's Anhui province were recovering quickly. Two people who had close contact with the patient in Beijing and are now under surveillance had reported fever and 12 others have been removed from medical observation, the ministry said.

In addition, hospitals above the county level have been asked to recheck the death and pneumonia cases with no clear causes which have occurred since march 20. No cases have been found related with SARS so far, the ministry said.

Early warning systems on SARS have been put in place and local health authorities nationwide are on high alert, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Kong Quan told reporters.

All the SARS cases diagnosed in the most recent outbreak -- two confirmed and six suspected -- were traceable to a local government laboratory.

Over 600 people who had contact with the confirmed patients, including 24 staff of the National Centre of Disease Control, were under collective isolation or bound to their homes, a leading newspaper reported.

Bureau Report