Shanghai, Apr 19: General Motors Corp launched its third car model in China, the Buick Excelle, on Saturday to stake out a larger slice of a booming market it sees surpassing expectations again this year. GM rolled out a silver version in a flashy ceremony amid a cacophony of rock music, glitter and a skit featuring a comely young couple who manage to trade in a decrepit Soviet-era car for their dream Excelle.

Despite concerns that fierce competition and a looming capacity glut might hit margins, GM China chief Philip Murtaugh said market growth might surprise again this year. Analysts predict car demand could grow anywhere between 15 to 30 per cent.

Also on this year's slate: Cadillac luxury sedans, priced between 800,000 yuan ($96,650) and one million yuan – going head-to-head with cars made by the likes of BMW AG .
"We're seeing phenomenal growth again," Murtaugh told reporters ahead of the launch. "Somehow it seems like this year's going to be a lot stronger than anybody anticipated." Bureau Report