Kathmandu, June 08: India has called for a multiparty government in Nepal with executive authority as per the Constitution in order to tackle the serious problems faced by the country. In his message felicitating the new Nepalese Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said a multiparty government with executive authority as provided for under the constitution should help to create a more conducive atmosphere for tackling the serious problem Nepal is currently facing.

"We hope that efforts to build a new national political consensus in Nepal to address the challenges will succeed. As a close friend and neighbour, India remains committed to strengthening the deep friendship and multi-faceted cooperation with Nepal," an Indian Embassy Press release quoted Vajpayee as saying in the message.

Thapa was appointed Nepal's new Prime Minister after Lokendra Bahadur Chand resigned after a month long agitation by major political parties demanding return of full-fledged multiparty democracy in the country.
Bureau Report