Mumbai, Feb 14: Veteran Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee today found fault with the BJP drawing parallels between Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and India's first premier Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. ''It was a funny argument by BJP leaders that Vajpayee had attained the status of Nehru,'' Mukherjee observed at a news conference at Gandhi Bhavan, the party's office in south Mumbai. He said that the reasoning given by the BJP was that Pandit Nehru won three elections and so had Vajpayee. ''Nehru won the elections in 1952, 1957 and 1962 and all the times ruled for full terms. Vajpayee won elections in 1996, 1998 and 1999, but for the first time he was in power for 13 days, next time for 13 months and now for the third time (again a curtailed term) '' he said. ''There should be some relevance, when you compare two things or issues,'' the former finance minister said. Moreover, he said Pandit Nehru won the elections with two-third or three-fourth majority, whereas it is not the case with Vajpayee. First time he became the prime minister, BJP had 160 seats, the second time 180 seats and now 181 seats. He said that in 1996, the share of votes of BJP was 26 per cent, in 1998, it was 26 per cent and it came down to 25 per cent. Mukherjee also decried the so called ''feel-good'' factor and said that it was using money of the government for the 'India Shining' campaign, just to serve the purpose of the BJP. Bjp was using tax payers money for partisan ends, he charged. ''I have no objection, if the BJP uses funds of its party for this purpose,'' he said and cited the recent example of advertisement appearing in Kolkata newspapers issued by the Union health ministry on 12 hospitals to be set up on the lines of AIIMS. ''This is a promise on the vote-on-account. Not a single naya paisa had been allocated. Such things are not acceptable,'' he said and added that the BJP should use its own funds for such advertisements as the Lok Sabha had been dissolved. Bureau Report