Chennai, May 30: Framing of charges against Tamil Nationalist Movement (TNM) leader P Nedumaran and four others, which was fixed for today by a designated Pota court, for speaking in favour of the LTTE, was put off after two of the accused filed discharge petitions. Designated Pota judge L Rajendran posted the discharge petitions filed by Dr Thayappan and S Ahmed for hearing on June 11 and extended the remand of all the five till that day.
On May 19 the judge had fixed today for framing of charges against them. The 'Q' branch of Tamil Nadu Police has charged them under Section 21(2) of Pota for organising a meeting here and speaking in support of the outlawed LTTE on April 13, 2002.
They were arrested on August 1 last. In his discharge petition, Thayappan, citing a Supreme Court order, said that his introductory speech at the meeting did not constitute a crime under the anti-terrorist law.
Ahmed, who had been charged with organising the meeting, contended that he had organised it after obtaining required permission from the city police. He said he had not attended the meeting as he had to appear in court in another case.
The other accused are TNM's general secretary Subba Veerapandian and party activist Pudukottai Pavannan. Bureau Report