Afghanistan's former king has assured a US Congressional delegation that a long-delayed meeting between his representatives and other Afghan factions set for Ankara would take place very soon, the congressmen has said in Rome.
“We encouraged him that it is important for US that the process is moved forward,” Congressman Mark Souter told reporters after an Excellent Meeting with former king Mohammed Zahir Shah. He assured US it will occur very soon, Souter said of the meeting between the ex-king's representatives and northern-based opposition groups battling the ruling Taliban in a US-led military operation.
The proposed Ankara talks, to finalise the make up of a 120-member Supreme Council for the national unity of Afghanistan, would effectively create the backbone of a future administration in the country should the Taliban fall. He said to US that this is a war and it is not easy to get people in and out of Afghanistan, to attend the long-planned meeting, Soute said.
“I didn't get the impression that it was political differences that was holding things up, but that it was logistical,” Said Congressman Elija Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland.
A meeting between the former king's faction and representatives of the Northern Alliance to exchange lists and discuss further measures, was expected to take place some time ago, firstly scheduled for Rome and then for Turkey. But the delay has been accompanied by increasingly fractious exchanges between both sides.
Bureau Report