London, Nov 12: Bollywood is everywhere. It has now reached even your mobile phone. On Monday, a unique mobile phone news service was launched, worldwide, which would enable Bollywood fans to get the latest news and gossip from Mumbai, every day, every minute.
Ashis Ray, former Consultant Editor and Special Correspondent of CNN - also known in the UK for his broadcasts on BBC and ITN - is behind IndiaMobile.
The service by IndiaMobile has been created specifically to provide Bollywood followers with the news and views they may want, direct to GSM mobile phones, using SMS.
Each news alert will contain several headlines with the latest on stars, major film productions, news releases, reviews and box office performances. For just £4.99 a month, or less than 4 pence a headline, subscribers can get the information they want wherever they are, be it for pleasure, leisure or business.
It is also claimed that with WAP capable and configured handsets subscribers, taking the IndiaMobile Bollywood service, can access details of the stories and reports behind the headlines free of any further subscription charge.