Mumbai, Sept 22: Airports Aurthority of India (AAI) has set the ball rolling for modernisation and restructuring of Delhi and Mumbai airports through joint ventures between AAI and private players by calling for bids to shortlist a financial consultant. The financial consultant firm would prepare the request for expression of interest (RFEOI), request for proposal (RFP), draft concession agreement, draft JV agreement and other necessary project documentation, AAI sources said.

The consultant would evaluate expressions of interest and technical and financial proposals received; it would organise and manage communications with potential bidders, they said, adding that the last date for receiving bids was October 10, 2003.

The consultant would be required to update traffic, commercial and operational data pertaining to the two airports and work closely with the civil aviation ministry in overall coordination and management of various aspects of the transaction.
The sources three parties would be short listed based on evaluation of the technical criteria and their presentation.

The financial bids of only those three parties would be opened for evaluation and the selected firm would be required to commence work within one week of being selected.

Bureau Report