London, Sept 12: A fresh demand has been raised for a ban on al-Muhajiroun in the UK, a day after the extremist Islamic group praised the September 11 atrocity as a "good deed." "Al-Muhajiroun should be proscribed under the Terrorism Act. I regard them as dangerous fanatics" Labour MP for Hendon Andrew Dismore said today. Al-Muhajiroun marked the second anniversary of the attacks yesterday by praising the 19 terrorists who hijacked the planes as "brave warriors". The group's spokesman Sajid Sharif said the terrorists had "sacrificed their lives for Allah". "Do not think these 19 martyrs just went out and did a terrorist act. According to US it was a good deed in the eyes of Islam," he said.

Abdul Rehman Saleem, another al-Muhajiroun member, said "if the British government listen to our various demands we may not have a September 11 in the UK. If they ignore it, events like September 11 will occur on a daily basis." Bureau Report