Ajmer, Aug 30: The 791st annual Urs of Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti has begun here today, dargah sources announced. Since moon could not be sighted last night that is why Urs has begun today, sources said adding it would conclude with kul ceremony on September 04.

However, there had been no information about arrival of pilgrims from Pakistan to attend Urs, Superintendent of Police, Saurabh Srivastava told news persons. Pakistani pilgrims normally arrive in a group and the local administration receives the information of their arrival several days in advance. But no such information has yet been received, he said.

Meanwhile, pilgrims from different parts of the country have started arriving at the dargah to offer chaddar at the tomb of the Sufi saint. Special trains and buses are being run by railways and the state roadways for the pilgrims.

Special security arrangements have been taken by the district administration and the police to prevent any tragedy due to the rush of pilgrims. Bureau Report