United Nations, Feb 08: Top UN weapons monitors will visit Baghdad from today for two-day-long discussions with the high-level Iraqi officials ahead of presenting a report on Iraq on February 14.

Iraq had invited chief weapons inspector Hans Blix and International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed Elbaradei in a surprise move just 10 days after they completed discussions in Baghdad over practical problems in the inspections. Iraq`s UN ambassador, Mohamed Al-Douri, said the two sides will be "discussing all the outstanding issues, including interviews with Iraqi scientists." But neither Al-Douri nor Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz in Baghdad said anything about new proposals to end those deadlocks.

The inspectors` next report, on February 14, could help swing the diplomatic balance toward or away from military action against Iraq, the "last resort" planned by the US.

Blix had said, after receiving the invitation, that he would visit Baghdad only if Iraq fulfills certain conditions which included allowing unconditionally flights by us U-2 spy planes - which inspectors plan to use to pinpoint suspect sites - and interviews with Iraqi scientists. The inspectors expect a reply from Iraq but it is not clear how Baghdad would respond. Iraq fears that U-2 planes might spy for US which is preparing for a war against it and said it has no objection to scientists being interviewed privately by inspectors but would not force them (scientists) to comply.

Blix had said he was prepared to meet Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to impress upon him the need to disarm but reports from Baghdad quoted Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz as saying such a meeting is unlikely.

Bureau Report