Guwahati, July 04: Unabated bio-piracy in Assam has caused concern among environmentalists as it poses a serious threat to the state's rich forest resources.
That piracy is being carried out in a most skillful manner and many plant and animal species have become extinct is a matter of urgent concern, a recent report prepared by the Assam science society says.
The report analyses various aspects and raises the fear that posterity would never know how rich the state has been in both flaura and fauna.
As of now bio-pirates operate in the unorganised sector posing problems for the authorities to identify the culprits. "Since no particular group is engaged in the insidious operation, the forest department is at a loss to track the offenders," says a forest department official.

Maintaining strict vigil is all it can do for now so that the remaining bio-resources of the state are not put to risk of peril, they say.

The bio-pirates have particularly targetted the rich variety of aromatic and herbal plant species which have a great demand in the international market.

Another alarming fact is that big pharmaceutical companies have of late begun spying on these resources and they have engaged people to smuggle them out of the state.

Bureau Report.