Allahabad, Oct 23: VHP international president Ashok Singhal today accused Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of "letting down" the BJP by adopting a "stubborn secular stand" on the Ram temple issue and not taking any concrete step to resolve the vexed issue. "The Prime Minister has let down the BJP on the Ram temple issue in the garb of his secular credentials," he told reporters here.

"The BJP is losing its credibility with the masses due to Vajpayee's inaction on the Ram temple issue," Singhal said adding the party had no option but to embrace the cause for its survival sooner or later. "Vajpayee could have reduced the agony of his party by utilising his stature as a political leader in building a consensus on solution of the controversial issue," Singhal said.

The VHP international president also flayed the PM for asking the saffron outfit to wait for the judicial verdict on the issue and said he should himself take the first step in this regard by framing a legislation on uniform civil code in the wake of the Supreme Court observations. Referring to the impact of the VHP-sponsored religious programme at Ayodhya on October 17, Singhal said the participation of lakhs of Karsevaks from across the country had certainly resurrected the Ram temple agitation and the issue had found favour with the Hindus.

Bureau Report