Tokyo, Oct 15: Ahead of a visit by US President George W Bush, Japan today announced it will contribute USD 1.5 billion next year for the reconstruction of Iraq. The USD 1.5 billion, announced by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, would go toward electricity, education, water and health support.
Media reports have said the sum would be the first installment of a package expected to reach a total of USD 5 billion over the next four years. But Fukuda said medium term aid was still under consideration.
"Iraqi reconstruction is extremely important issue for the entire international community," Fukuda told a news conference.
The world's second biggest economy is under pressure to send both money and troops to help rebuild Iraq. Japan's announcement could ease discussions when Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro are expected to meet Friday, when bush stops in Tokyo en route to an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Bangkok.
Bureau Report