Colombo, Mar 21: Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga has set preconditions for the LTTE to recommence peace talks. In a move apparently to keep the Tamil tiger rebels away from the negotiating table in the future, Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga has set preconditions for the LTTE to recommence peace talks if her United People`s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) came to power in the general elections on April 2. The President said, ``As for conditions, obviously there will be some conditions - respect for human rights, strict adherence to the conditions of the ceasefire agreement and halting of all killings and attacks of all Tamil and Muslim people and others.`` The President also said that one other condition was the reconstruction work in the north and east. This is something the LTTE is also very keen about.
Meanwhile, LTTE is reported to have dismissed claims by President Kumaratunga last week that it has maintained contacts with her.
The organisation has firmly stated that it would be ready to resume negotiations with the party that accepts the LTTE as the sole representative of the Tamil people, a condition that was not conceded by the President`s party.
Bureau Report