Washington, Aug 04: Iran appears to be in the late stages of developing the capacity to build a nuclear bomb and scientists from several countries, including Pakistan, have brought it closer to achieving the status of a nuclear power, a media report said today. A three-month investigation by the 'Los Angeles Times' newspaper- drawing on earlier secret reports, international officials, independent experts, Iranian exiles and intelligence sources in Europe and the Middle East- uncovered strong evidence that Iran's commercial programme masks a plan to become the world's next nuclear power.
"The country has been engaged in a pattern of clandestine activity that has concealed weapons work from international inspectors. Technology and scientists from Pakistan, Russia, China and North Korea have propelled Iran's nuclear programme much closer to producing a bomb than Iraq ever was," the daily said.
No one is certain when Iran may produce its first atomic weapon. Some experts said two or three years; others believe the government has probably not given a final go-ahead. But it is clear that Iran is moving purposefully and rapidly towards acquiring the capability, it said.
The paper said "Pakistan's role (in helping Iran) was bigger from the beginning than we thought. Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Pakistani nuclear scientist has helped Iran for years."
The newspaper also cited warnings from the French government that other countries should exercise "the most serious vigilance on their exports to Iran."
It claimed that North Korean military scientists, Russian scientists have also been monitored entering Iranian nuclear facilities.
Bureau Report