Washington, Oct 02: American scientific community should develop a system which would ensure that the nation's visa process locks out those seeking entry into the US with intent to do harm, Secretary of State Colin Powell has said.
The state department will also work closely with the new department of homeland security in the annual processing of nearly 10 million visa applications at American consular offices around the world, Powell said addressing the US President's Council of advisers on science and technology.
A system is needed that would allow a consular officer anywhere in the world to enter a visa applicant's basic data and have it "bounced against every possible intelligence or law enforcement database that we have," he said.
However, it was essential that us remain an open, welcoming society for people from around the world to see America's diversity and gain an understanding of what it takes to put in place a system of openness, individual rights and tolerance, he added.
"I want people from every nation in the world to come here and see America, to come here to learn about America, to learn what the nature of our society is: an open, welcoming society of immigrants who have come from all over the world and created one nation."

Bureau Report