Siliguri, Aug 03: Sikkim government has requested the Centre for help to develop the infrastructure required for Sino-India trade through Nathula Pass in the state, chief minister Pawan Chamling said here today. Chamling told reporters at a press conference that the state government had roughly estimated that it needs Rs 500 crore to improve the road condition, build ware-houses and meet other primary requirements in the state for international trade which would take at least one year to take off.

The state government has already requested the Centre to provide fund for the development of infrastructure to help implement the Sino-India trade treaty through Nathula Pass at the earliest in the greater interest of boosting economy in the region, he said.
Chamling who had visited Nathula with his cabinet team and high officials on august one for a preliminary assessment said that Sher-e-Thang was selected for erecting ware-houses and decided to construct two bye-pass roads for the road.

He, however, said that the state government would submit a study report for infrastructural development within a couple of months and a master plan within a year to the Centre to ensure that the proposed trade could meet the aspiration of the concerned states, the Centre and the people in particular.
Bureau Report