Chennai, May 27: The counsel for a Pota detenu today alleged in the designated Pota court at suburban Poonamallee that his client, who was undergoing treatment in the ICU of the Salem Government Hospital, has been chained to his bed with a handcuff since last night. After receiving the representation in writing from counsel for the detenu T Shaktivel, the designated judge L Rajendran directed that notice be issued to the 'Q' branch of Tamil Nadu police and jail authorities. According to the representation, Shaktivel, arrested under the anti-terrorist law on November 24 last, underwent a surgery at the hospital on May 23 after suffering from some stomach ailment.
However, some complications saw him being shifted to the hospital's ICU.
Describing the act as "barbaric", the petitioner pointed out that it was a serious human rights violation and also opposed to the principles laid down by the supreme court.

He prayed the court to direct the prison authorities to remove the handcuffs of the prisoner and punish the erring police personnel in accordance with the law.
The petition also alleged that two sub-inspectors of police were issued memos and suspended for not handcuffing the detenue.
Bureau Report