New York: The US Navy has revoked Bill Cosby's honorary title following allegations that the comedian sexually assaulted a string of women over decades.


Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (AW/NAC) Mike Stevens rescinded the honorary chief title conferred in 2011, the Navy said in a press release, according to NBC.
"The Navy is taking this action because allegations against Mr Cosby are very serious and are in conflict with the Navy's core values of honour, courage and commitment," Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said in a statement.

Cosby, now 77, served in the Navy from 1956 to 1960, when he was honourably discharged. He rose to the rank of hospital corpsman third class and served in naval hospitals, where he helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries. He also deployed aboard dock landing ship Fort Mandan.

After winning the prestigious Lone Sailor Award, given to Navy and Marine vets for lifetime accomplishments, in 2010, he credited his naval service for sowing the seeds of his later success.