Srinagar, June 17: Three days after his release on bail, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chairman Mohammad Yaseen Malik today resumed the signature campaign on Kashmir issue from Anantnag in south Kashmir. Accompanied by senior party leaders, Malik visited the office of Anantnag Bar Association, 55 km from here and registered 3000 signatures as part of the campaign to seek opinion of Kashmiris about their role in any dialogue between India and Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue, JKLF sources said. They said Malik, also an executive member of Hurriyat Conference along with his close aids Bashir Ahmad Bhat and Javid Ahmad Mir and other senior leaders, is scheduled to visit educational institutions in the town during the day to carry forward the campaign. Malik and his lieutenants were arrested at Kokernag in Anantnag district of south Kashmir during his campaign earlier on June 12. Bureau Report