Gwalior, Aug 08: Senior BJP leader in Madhya Pradesh Yashodhara Raje Scindia today declined to confirm or deny reports that she had resigned from the party. "No comments," that was how the BJP MLA from Shivpuri stonewalled persistent questions from reporters at the Scindia Place here. Yashodhara is the younger sister of late Congress leader Madhavrao Scindia. In Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh BJP chief Kailash Joshi told a news agency today that he has no knowledge of the resignation of Yashodhara Raje Scindia from the party.

No resignation letter from Yashodhara has been received, said Joshi and state BJP organising secretary Kaptan Singh Solanki.

Solanki said state BJP leaders are trying to contact Yashodhara to ascertain the veracity of the report. Bureau Report