New Delhi, Feb 17: President Abdul Kalam today suggested re-establishment of a University in Nalanda, dedicated to the philosophy of Buddha, in collaboration with multiple nations. Inaugurating the ''international conclave on Buddhism and spiritual tourism,'' he urged the Ministries of Tourism and Culture and Human Resource Development to spearhead the movement for setting up of this ''university of universal unity and understanding.''
Narrating his personal experience 'in search of unity of minds' during a visit to Nalanda in may 2003, he said he saw how a university was vibrant in the Nalanda area during the seventh and eighth centuries with theology-teaching classrooms, discourse halls and monks hostels.
What attracted the scholars from 90 countries to Nalanda long ago,? He asked, and said ''this is the place where the thoughts were transmitted, discussed and integrated towards a good way of life, which people were looking for from many countries.'' At this critical juncture of universal turbulence and instability, arising out of mutual distrust and hatred leading to violence, the world needed a university of peace, enlightenment and great thoughts.
He said university of universal unity and understanding should experience four noble truths -dhukka, samuthaya, norodhaya and makka.
The President said the message to the world through this conclave had to be to create enlightened citizens through the university of universal unity and understanding. The mission of the university based on the Nalanda experience was to attract scholars, religious leaders and scientists from various parts of the world to discourse, discuss and spread the message of love and compassion.
''India with one billion people representing one sixth of the world population has the responsibility to initiate this movement of creating enlightened citizens of the world for ensuring world peace.'' Saying that spiritual tourism was different from visiting places and seeing various physical dimensions, he said '''spiritual tourism'' means visiting the hearts and minds of the intellectuals in different places.
Bureau Report