Siem Reap, June 10: A senior official of the World Health Organization warned today that SARS infections may be declining worldwide, but that won't reduce the threat of newer and deadlier diseases.
``There is a clear and consistent downward trend in both (SARS) cases and deaths,'' Dr. Shigeru Omi, who's regional director for the Western Pacific, said in opening remarks to a meeting of Asian health ministers.
``However, this is not the time to sit back and congratulate each other. There is every likelihood that other new diseases will emerge, possibly even more infectious and deadly than SARS,'' he said.
The health ministers of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or Asean, China, Japan and South Korea are discussing common strategies for combating severe acute respiratory syndrome while preparing countries to fight similar epidemics in the future.
Sars has badly affected the travel industry and dampened prospects for economic growth in the region.
More than 780 people have died from the disease worldwide, out of more than 8,300 infections. Mainland China and its territory, Hong Kong, have accounted for about 80 percent of the deaths since the disease broke out in southern China in November.
Omi's warning came as Cambodian health officials yesterday quarantined three Chinese nationals soon after they arrived at Phnom Penh Airport with suspected SARS symptoms. Newly installed thermal imaging devices detected that the three men had high temperatures.
Bureau Report